Last updated on 
11 May 2020

National Open Access Desk

University of Turin
  • Overview

    {article 1718}{/article}

    Support and Landscape

    {article 1706}{/article}

    National Initiatives

    {article 1707}{/article}
  • Open Science Policy

    National Policy

    {article 1709}{/article}

    Funder policy

    {article 1711}{/article}

    Institutional Policy

    {article 1710}{/article}
  • Infrastructure & EOSC

    Key networks & Aggregators

    {article 1704}{/article}

    Data repositories

    {article 1714}{/article}

    National publishing initiatives

    {article 1712}{/article}

    National agreements with publishers

    {article 1716}{/article}

    OA books

    {article 1713}{/article}

  • Training & Support

    The Italian National Open Access Desk, coordinated by CNR and runned together with the Univerisity of Torino, provides support for Open Science and related funder policies.

    A list of different training programme are available runned by NOAD team, including face to face courses and remote webinars. Italian NOAD also creates ad hoc programmes for different stakeholders, from PhD student to institutions and funders.

    Since 2018 the Italian NOAD organises yearly series of webinars that usually gather together hundreds of participants. The series hadhas a common format and each webinar is dedicated to specific stakeholders in the field of Open Science: researchers, librarians, research support personnel, funders. The main aim is to provide clear information and practical tools to the users and introduce them to Open Science related topics.

    Each series has a specific theme and it is designed for a specific user category, yet it is open to all the interested actors. Series consist of one or more one hour-chapters.

    Open Science Webinar Series 2020

    One webinar was run in early 2020 to train researchers on the open science basis in view of the next research evaluation campaign to happen in 2020. The success of the webinar led to a second chapter and the two trained in total 400 users.

    Open Science Webinar Series 2019

    These Webinars were offered in collaboration with the OpenAIRE NOADs, and the RDA Italian Node.

    Open Science Webinar Series 2018

    These Webinars was offered in collaboration with the OpenAIRE NOADs, IOSSG, and the RDA Italian Node.

  • Statistics

    {include_countrynumber PUB IT} OA publications in {include_countrynumber DATASRC IT} repositories
  • News

    30 June 2020
    Authors: Emma Lazzeri and Gina Pavone, CNR-ISTI No doubt Open Science is a cross-cutting movement, touching all fields of knowledge and scholarly communication. And adopting a more open and transparent approach in science has broad and transversal motivations. But there are many aspects that are spe...
    04 December 2016
    A two day workshop was held in Florence on November 14th -15th on  sharing, reuse, and reproducibility, curation of  research data. OpenAIRE-Italy (CNR-ISTI and NOAD) was strongly engaged in organizing the event, promoted and sponsored by RDA Europe in collaboration with the universities o...
    01 July 2016
    a post by Paola Gargiulo, NOAD for Italy On May 30th and May 31st, the National Open Access Desk for Italy, Cineca organized is national workshop on Open Science in collaboration with CNR, FOSTER project and the universities of Bologna, Parma, Turin and Trento and with the patronage of APRE, the Ita...
    12 March 2015
    On March 5-7 a three day workshop was organized by the Italian Institute of Anthropology and University of Rome La Sapienza to discuss the issues and challenges related to adoption of the Open Science paradigm. The meeting's objective was to identify the different needs and perspectives, obstacles, ...
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