By Emilie Hermans on 08 Jul 2020
Category: scholarly communication

Recommendations for Services in a FAIR data ecosystem

Results from a collaboration between RDA Europe, FAIRsFAIR, OpenAIRE, FREYA and EOSC-hub have just been published in Patterns in an article entitled Recommendations for Services in a FAIR data ecosystem.

The publication is an outcome of three workshops1 held in 2019 that gathered and prioritised community feedback on the current challenges and priorities for services to support FAIR data. The overall approach is illustrated in Figure 1 and may be summarised as follows:

  1. Take stock of recommendations gathered so far
  2. Assign relative priorities to the recommendations
  3. Associate actions to the top-priority recommendations
  4. Collect community input on 'action owners', i.e. who could take those actions forward

The recommendations propose how data infrastructures and related stakeholders can align and collaborate to provide services that support the implementation of the FAIR data principles, in particular in the context of building the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

1The first was held on April 12th in Vienna during the EOSC-hub Week 2019: The second during the Austrian national event "Linking Open Science in Austria" on April 24th: The third and last workshop was co-located, as planned, with the Open Science Fair in Porto:

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