Vision and Description text

OpenAIRE aggregates a vast amount of open science scientific records that have the potential to assist research communities, funders, institutions, and research infrastructures to better understand their interconnections, connections to society and industry, their impact, their future. As a result of this action, OpenAIRE populates the OpenAIRE Research Graph a public good which can be used for research, monitoring, and innovation.

The OpenAIRE graph is aiming to track and connect all the links between research results, the institution that produced and the one that financed them, and where to find them for consultation or further use. The OpenAIRE graph maps the knowledge produced by public research and the actors involved in, thus enabling explorations of all its content and phases like never before. It is now in beta version and opens for comments. The OpenAIRE Research Graph represents the EOSC catalogue of all resources: data, publications, software, methods, etc.., all linked together".


The amount of metadata information involved is huge and opportunities infinite. Making the information in the graph reliable, accurate, and richer is therefore key for Open Science to progress and for science to take back research evaluation and monitoring from industry. Key to this success is therefore the collaborative curation and care of the OpenAIRE Research Graph, intended as common public good.


OpenAIRE-Advance calls interested SMEs (developers, data analysts, etc.) and Young Innovators to offer solutions that will use data provided via OpenAIRE, blend with your imagination, skills, expertise and produce new services that will add value for all stakeholders involved in the research process or are recipients of research outcomes. The goal is that of enhancing the OpenAIRE research graph by means of mining algorithms, web crawling algorithms, supporting data curation, etc. Services can take advantage of the OpenAIRE APIs or, with technical support, operate over the 11Mi full-text provided by OpenAIRE in order to generate extra metadata, links between scientific products and scholarly entities that can further enrich the OpenAIRE Research Graph. 

What we are looking for in this challenge

We are looking for software, services (new or already working) that will enhance content in the OpenAIRE Research Graph, promote the construction of new open content collections or promote and advance open scholarship, and may potentially be integrated into OpenAIRE infrastructure.

flag black white lowOpenAIRE-Advance receives
funding from the European 
Union's Horizon 2020 Research and
Innovation programme under Grant
Agreement No. 777541.
  Unless otherwise indicated, all materials created by OpenAIRE are licenced under CC ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL LICENSE.