Our policies

How to provide content, how to use our services and data

Content acquisition policy

What data/metadata we collect and how we process
Conditions under which metadata of scientific products collected from content providers in OpenAIRE will be considered for inclusion in the OpenAIRE information space. Policies specify which typologies of objects are mapped into which OpenAIRE entities (literature, dataset, software, other research products) and which are the minimal quality conditions under which metadata can be accepted.

OpenAIRE Terms of Agreement for Content Providers

What you need to know to link to the OpenAIRE services
Terms of Agreement for Content Exchange between OpenAIRE and external content providers. Details on the terms of the consent to reuse metadata and full-text (for Open Access publications) to generate richer metadata, in turn accessible to third-party under CC-BY 4.0 license.

Acceptable Use Policy

What you need to know
From Infrastructure Acceptable Use Policy, OpenAIRE APIs, Generic API Rate Limits and HTTP API Rate Limits to specific terms for ScholeXplorer and Zenodo, here you can read them all so as to be aligned.
flag black white lowOpenAIRE-Advance receives
funding from the European 
Union's Horizon 2020 Research and
Innovation programme under Grant
Agreement No. 777541.
  Unless otherwise indicated, all materials created by OpenAIRE are licenced under CC ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL LICENSE.
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