Science. Set Free.

Our mission

Shift scholarly communication towards openness and transparency and facilitate innovative ways to communicate and monitor research.

Our vision

Transform society through validated scientific knowledge. Allow citizens, educators, funders, civil servants and industry find ways to make science useful for themselves, their working environments, the society.

What we do

Align policies

Engaging all stakeholders for an effective Open Science implementation
We foster the open science dialogue for policies and their implementation in Europe and beyond. Our network of 34 National Open Access Desks (NOADs) operates a European Helpdesk supporting a coordinated transition to Open Science.

Provide open science services

Embedding Open Science into researcher workflows
We provide interoperability services that connect research and enable researchers, content providers, funders and research administrators to easily adopt open science.

Link research

Building global common standards for linking research
We link research outcomes (e.g., publications, data, software) to their creators (e.g., researchers, institutions, funders), enabling discoverability, transparency, reproducibility and quality-assurance of research.

Monitor (open) science

Faciliating transparency in research impact assessment
We build the European Research Information system that encompasses all research and enables ready-made reporting, monitoring and analysis.

Train for open science

Fostering the culture change for Open Science practice
We train researchers, content providers, policy makers to acquire the skills and competencies to practice Open Science. We are reaching out to a broad and diverse user base through our train-the-trainer programme via our National Open Access Desks.

Build global bridges

Connecting Europe to the global open research environment
We work with similar initiatives around the world to promote and share common access policies and protocols for all research results. We promote common data standards and exchange content to transitiion towards an effective and open global research ecosystem.

Facilitate Open Innovation

Facilitating innovation for scholarly communication, opening new horizons for research
We make all research information freely available so that 3rd party providers build value added services to foster better understanding of scientific knowledge, while we scout for open and innovative scholarly communication services.

OpenAIRE and the European Open Science Cloud

OpenAIRE’s mission is closely linked to the mission of the European Commission: to provide unlimited, barrier free, open access to research outputs financed by public funding in Europe. OpenAIRE fulfils the EOSC vision substantially, as its operations already provide the glue for many of the user and research driven functionalities, whether these come from the long tail of science (repositories and local support) or domain disciplined research communities or Research Infrastructures

Want to be involved?

If you share the same passion for open access and open science, join us and become a member of the OpenAIRE community.
flag black white lowOpenAIRE-Advance receives
funding from the European 
Union's Horizon 2020 Research and
Innovation programme under Grant
Agreement No. 777541.
  Unless otherwise indicated, all materials created by OpenAIRE are licenced under CC ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL LICENSE.
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